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Angular Online Training in Hyderabad
Best Angular Online Training Institute in Hyderabad Angular is an open-source framework used for creating dynamic and modern web applications. Here are some of the most common applications of Angular that you will learn in this Angular tutorial.
Angular uses HTML to define the UI of an application. As HTML is a declarative language, you do not have to define the flows of the program. You can simply define what you require and Angular will take care of it.
Testing is extremely simple in Angular. The modules have their own application parts, which enable you to perform automated testing. It follows one file, one module principle where you don’t even need to remember the module loading order.

Angular Syllabus
- Introduction To Client Side Scripting Languages
- Basics of Javascript and jQuery
- Introduction to AngularJS and Its History
- Why should we use AngularJS?
- Properties, Methods
- Binding controllers with views
- Controller hierarchy
- Sharing data between controllers
Bootstrapping Angular APPS
- Auto bootstrap
- Custom bootstrap
Data Binding
- Binding Model Objects
- Model Objects Visibility
- $scope
- $rootScope
- Difference between $scope & $rootScope
- Using $emit and $broadcast
- JSON advantages
- Using JSON in Angularjs
- Use of $watch, $digest & $apply
- AngularJs Expressions, AngularJS Numbers
- AngularJS Strings, AngularJS Arrays
- AngularJS Objects
Dependency Injection
- What is Dependency Injection?
- Implicit DI
- Inline Array Annotated DI
- $inject Array Annotated DI
- Power of directives
- Working with built in directives
- ng-app, ng-init
- ng-model, ng-repeat
- ng-class, ng-template
- ng-include
- Working with custom directives
- Adding Filters to Expressions, Directives
- Working with built in filters
- Creating custom filters
- ng-click
- Hiding HTML Elements
- ng-disabled
- ng-show, ng-hide
AngularJS Service Types
- Constants and Values, Factories
- Services, Providers